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Вт, 11.02.25

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Модератор форума: party_machine, Roman)  
lmttДата: Пн, 22.03.21, 10:26 | Сообщение # 1
Ник: lmt

Сообщений: 1
Репутация: 0
Замечания: 0%
Статус: Оффлайн
Hey, sorry I cannot copy the ingame message properly because only letters from the English alphabet appear in my console. However I'll provide all the info here, would really like to get unbanned cause it's one of the only FFA servers I can play on with at least playable ping.

Ingame nick: lmt
Reason: Cheating
Admin: <<< The End159RUS >>>
Steam ID: VALVE_1:1:1635252629


Screenshot because I can't seem to attach files for some reason: https: //imgur.com/a/aamIYMH

Сообщение отредактировал lmtt - Пн, 22.03.21, 15:04
LexxДата: Пн, 22.03.21, 22:46 | Сообщение # 2

Сообщений: 1040
Репутация: 132
Статус: Оффлайн
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